Disk No: 440 Program Title: Business Sampler #6 PC-SIG version: 1.5 A mixture of BASIC and Pascal programs that perform a variety of personal and business tasks. The Printed Circuit Board (PCBD.BAS) assists in estimating the production cost of double-sided printed circuit boards. The Restaurant House Charge Billing System (GBILL) lets you record each of your guest's house charges and produce mail-ready bills and stubs. The bills that the system produces provide your "open account" customers with year-to-date account totals, and helps your account management. Usage: Business/Personal. Special Requirements: None. How to Start: Type GO (press enter). Suggested Registration: $28.00 for GBILL. File Descriptions: AMORT ABS Abstract of the AMORT.BAS program. AMORT BAS Calculates Loan Amortization - results to the printer. AMRTMENU ABS Abstract of the AMRTMENU.BAS program. AMRTMENU BAS Program that selects AMORT.BAS or SCRNAMRT.BAS. AUTOEXEC BAT Boot file. CAPSLOCK COM Program to set Caps Lock to on. Place in Autoexec.bat. CLEAR EXE Program to clear screen. COMMENT MEM Memory file used in Disk-File. FILEFIX ABS Abstract of the FILEFIX.BAS program. FILEFIX ASC ASCII text file of the Basic source code. FILEFIX BAS Prepares ASCII text files with CR/LF delimiters for import. FILEFIX DOC Documentation file (2K). FILEFIX PAS Source file. FILEFIX COM Main program for FILEFIX. GBILL DOC Documentation (15K). GBILL EXE Main program for GBILL. HOLD DAT Data file. IRA BAS Basic program. IRA DAT Data file. PCBD ABS Abstract of the PCBD.BAS program. PCBD ASC ASCII text file of the Basic source code. PCBD BAS Source file. PCBD DOC Documentation for PCBD.BAS (4K). PRINT BAS BASIC print program. READ BAT Batch file to run DISKFILE.DOC. READ ME Explains the file extensions of the Basic programs. READ-ME Notes for printing documentation and installing system. SCRNAMRT ABS Abstract of the SCRNAMRT.BAS program. SCRNAMRT BAS Calculates Loan Amortization - results to the screen. SETUP EXE Setup program. PC-SIG 1030D East Duane Avenue Sunnyvale Ca. 94086 (408) 730-9291 (c) Copyright 1986,87,88,89 PC-SIG, Inc.